搜 索 资 料:
一、      经络保健疗法的常用手法:
1、          滑指法:
以食指、中指、无名指的指腹为触点, 在被保健人身体的一定部位进行慢慢滑动, 以疏通一条经络为主, 电量适度、反复多次施治, 手法重为泄, 手法轻为补。
2、          点刺法:
以食指、中指指腹为触点按压在有关穴位或敏感点上, 电量一般应加大, 使之由表及里通达深部组织, 直至内脏器官, 施治时应掌握好轻重缓急, 特别是头面部必须由轻到重, 由表及里, 以免加大疼痛广州日语翻译
3、          圆揉法:
以食中指指腹为触点, 按压在有关穴位上揉压画圆, 由表及里, 由轻到重, 通达深部组织, 具有明显调气活血、疏通经络作用。反时针动为泄, 顺时针动为补, 男36圈, 女24圈。
4、          振颤法:
此法以手掌或多个指腹抚在被保健者的穴位上或者某一不适的部位上, 保健实施者用脚的接触一松一驰, 调整气息, 使电流瞬间通达, 瞬间断离, 再其穴位或某部位达到振颤作用。此法对肾结石有明显疗效, 对腿部疼痛和腰部疼痛疗效甚佳。
5、          强刺法:
两手中、食、无名指集中按压在被保健者的某一部位上, 加强电压电流, 使之通达身体内部, 此法因人而用, 年老体弱不宜, 身体强壮者也不可时间过长, 一次只限三至五秒, 一般穴位, 女八次, 男九次, 对消除疼痛有显效。
I.                   The commonly used chirismus of meridian health care therapy
1.     Slide fingering method:
Using the finger pulps of forefinger, middle finger and ring finger as contacter, slide slowly on certain parts of the health care receiver’s body. Give priority to dredge a meridian, by moderate quantity of electricity and repeating many times. Use heavy chirismus as purging, while use light chirismus as invigorating.
2.     Fast insertion method
Use the finger pulps of forefinger and middle finger as contacter, to press certain acupuncture point or sensitive point. Adding the quantity of electricity, make it reach to the deep parts of tissues from the outside to the inside, finally to the internal organs. Control the chirismus in order of importance and urgency, especially the head and facial parts, which must be applied from gently to powerful, from the outside to the inside, in order to avoid adding pain.
3.     Round rubbing reduction
Using finger pulps of forefinger and middle finger as contacter, press on certain acupuncture point to rub and circle, from the outside to the inside, from gently to powerful. It can reach to the deep parts of tissues, with the obvious function of adjusting pneuma, promoting blood flow, dredging the meridian. Counter clock moving is purging, while clockwise moving is invigorating. The male needs 36 circles, while the female needs 24 ones.
4.     Shaking method
The forefingers, middle fingers and ring fingers of two hands concentrate to press on certain part of health care receiver. Strengthen the electric pressure and current; make it reach to the inside of body. This method varies from person to person, which is not suitable for the old and the weak. For the stronger, it still can’t last long. It is limited for 3 to 5 seconds per time. For the common acupuncture points, apply 8 times to woman, 9 times to man, which can reduce the pains effectively.
1、  百病先通达督脉: 我曾多次拜访过老中医或颇有造诣的西医, 甚至拜访老道, 经名人指点得出一个共同的结论, 人体不论何种部位有了病变, 中枢神经均有明显反映, 多数感到后背酸沉、无力、疲劳, 如果用其它医疗手段使其通达的话, 不仅时间长而且疗效差。但用电则很容易, 只是用滑指法由大肠俞----大椎、风府反复滑动几次就可以了。所以我们在多年实践中积累一条经验: 百病先通达督脉, 则疗效加倍, 事半功倍。
2、 病灶近部取穴: 在病变部位, 就近取穴是此法的主要取穴法。如头疼选用风池、风府、玉枕、百会、太阳、印堂等, 肩周炎选用肩臑俞, 肩髃、天宗等, 面部选用颊车、迎香、地仓、四白等, 膝关节炎, 选足三里、犊鼻、阳陵泉、阴陵泉、阴市等北京翻译公司
3、 循经络取穴: 如胃痛用足三里, 神经衰弱用神门, 妇科病用肾俞、三阴交等。
4、 对症取穴: 高血压用涌泉、曲池、合谷、风池, 胃痛用膈关、足三里、内关透外关等。
1.     Most of diseases should first dredge the Governor Vessel: I have visited many old doctors of Chinese traditional medicine and some famous medical doctors, and finally drawn a common conclusion by the advice of famous person, that is whatever part of the body is ill, the central nerve can be affected, which makes people’ back souring, sinking, adynamic and tired. If using other medical methods to cure it, it will cost a long time and have bad effects. However, using electricity can be an easy way. Just using the slide fingering method, to slide several times from the acupuncture point of Dachangshu, to the Big Vertebra and the Fengfu is ok. So we accumulate an experience from many years of practice, which is most of diseases should dredge the Governor Vessal firstly, then the curative effect can double, that is half the work with double result.  
2.     Selecting the acupuncture points near the disease focus: selecting the acupuncture points near the disease region is the main acupuncture points selecting way. For example, as for the headache, choosing the Wind Pond, the Fengfu, the Jade Occiput, the Baihui, the Sun, and the ophryon; as for the periarthritis of shoulder, choosing the shoulder Naoshu, the Jianyu,the Tianzong, etc; as for the face, choosing the Jiache, the Welcome Fragrance, the Dicang, the Four Whites, etc; as for gonarthritis, choosing the Foot Three Li, the Dubi, the Yang Mound Spring, the Yin Mound Spring, the Yin Market, etc.
3.     Selecting the acupuncture points according to the meridian: for example, choosing the Foot Three Li for stomach ache, the Shenmen for nervous exhaustion, the Kidney Shu and the Crossroad of Three Yins for gynaecopathia, etc.
Selecting the acupuncture points according to the symptom: for example, choosing the Pouring Spring, the Bent Pond, the Connected Valleys for the hypertension, choosing the Diaphragm Pass, the Foot Three Li , the Inner Pass and the Outer Pass for stomach ache, etc.
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