本报记者 潘婷
Staff Reporter: Pan Ting
2007年8月1日, 中国人民解放军将迎来她的80华诞。80年前, 南昌城头一声枪响, 宣告了一支人民军队的诞生。
It will be the 80th anniversary of Chinese People’s Liberation Army on Aug 1st, 2007. Eighty years ago, the first gun shot fired in Nanchang City declared the birth of the first people’s army.
从最初的小米加步枪, 到现在的高科技装备; 从原来的平均小学文化程度, 到现在的硕士团长、博士师长, 这支人民军队已经从“没有枪、没有炮, 敌人给我们造”的游击队, 发展为一支世界军事舞台上不可忽视的强大力量。
From original “millet plus rifles” to present high-tech weapons and armament, from former average education level of primary school to current master colonels and doctor division commanders, this people’s army has developed from a guerilla “relying on the guns and cannons captured from the enemy” into an important and powerful force on the global military stage.
80年来, 一代又一代的中国军人创造了人民军队辉煌的历史。而一代又一代的军事记者用不同的手段, 在艰难中记录下了鲜活的历史, 让我们在80年后的今天, 仍能清晰地看到80年中那一幕幕真实的情景。
Over the past 80 years, generations of Chinese soldiers have created the resplendent history of people’s army. Meanwhile, generations of military correspondents, relying on different methods, have recorded the vivid history under extremely difficult conditions, so that we can still see the vivid and true scenes 80 years ago.
我们无法忘怀那些军人, 我们不能忘记80年的历史, 我们更要感谢那些记录历史的军事记者们。
We can not forget those soldiers, we can not forget the 80-year history, and we really appreciate those military correspondents who have recorded the history.