汉译英句式举例 (二)
来源:新译通翻译公司 时间:2006-06-03
汉译英句式举例 (二) |
The collision lab, emission lab, endurance lab and other inspection facilities in the Center adequately cater to the 47 items of compulsory inspection for motor vehicles as required by the Chinese government and various other inspections for the purpose of certification of product models, quality supervision, certification of environmental protection and import and export.
产业聚焦战略 改变“大而不强,散而不精”状况,进行产业聚焦,把资金、人才等资源进一步聚焦到有发展空间、发展能力、发展条件的4大核心产业,形成新一轮发展的产业格局。
Core sector strategy Although the Group had a large number and variety of businesses under its flag, it was weak in competitive strength as the performance of these businesses desired improvement. To put an end to this, a continuous flow of capitals, talents and other resources were directed to the four core sectors, namely power station, power transmission and distribution, mechatronics, transportation and environmental protection equipment manufacturing. With great capability and potential of development, the four sectors were becoming the core of the Group’s industrial structure in the next wave of rapid growth.
信息化带动战略 以信息化带动工业化,瞄准工业自动化技术,集中力量进行攻关,从根本上解决“机强电弱”的问题,不断提升产品能极。
Informationization strategy With an attempt to fuel industrialization with informationization, the Group targeted and pooled great efforts in industrial automation technology. By continuously upgrading the energy levels of products, the Group attempted to give an ultimate solution to the problem of imbalanced development between its machinery and electricity sector, in which the former was stronger than the latter.
成套突破战略 以系统集成技术为基础,以成套公司为载体,以大项目为依托,以关键人才为保证,以服务为延伸,在国家重点工程和项目中大显身手,使政府认可、社会认同、世界认知。
Whole equipment strategy Based on system integration technology, with whole equipment manufacturers as vessels, depending on big projects, supported by key talent, and by offering better services, the Group was actively preparing to play a big role in key projects and programs of the state and gain recognitions from the government, the society and the world.
合资合作升级战略 抓住国际产业转移的大好机遇,从单一产品的合资上升到产品系列合资;从合资企业数量的增加,上升到合资企业质量的提高;从与国际大公司组建合资企业,上升到与国际大公司的全方位合作。
Cooperation upgrading strategy The Group grasped the opportunities arising from the global trend of relocation of manufacturing activities, upgrading the joint venture of single products to that of serial products, upgrading the development of joint ventures in numbers to in quality and expanding the cooperation with international corporate giants in forming joint ventures to full scale cooperation.
集团确立了海外经济向功能化发展、对外出口向基地化发展、零部件合作向零级化发展的工作重点 The Group also decided to focus its efforts on continuously improving the functionality of its overseas operations, consolidating its export base, and enhancing the cooperation between components manufacturers and whole-vehicle manufacturers. Pp: 零级化 具体解释不明确,所以无法直接翻译.若有高人知道请email我
外交部长李肇星先后会见九国外长 五大企业先后降价能否挽救不断下滑的车市successively或in succession
主导产品 leading products,mainstream products signature products私应为“招牌产品”。
年度的增加值达到了历史最高水平hit a record high,还是创了新高 set a new record
Inflation and market interest rates are far ahead of Alan Greenspan's federal funds rate, which he raised yesterday to 1.25 percent. Now the nation will see how well Mr. Greenspan, the Federal Reserve chairman, plays the game of catch-up. 通货膨胀率和市场利率已大大超过联邦储备利率,格林斯潘在六月三十日已将联邦储备利率提升至1.25%。现在国人正拭目以待,看看格林斯潘,美联储主席是如何打好联邦储备利率与通货膨胀率和市场利率关系这副牌。 Pp: 你跑我追的游戏
合同全年成交金额(不含提成、入股) Contracted amount (excluding dividends and shares)
版权引进国家和地区” 以及 “版权输出国家和地区” Countries and regions of copyright origin Destination of copyright export
上海企业境外收购、参股的发展趋势比较明显。全市外经企业新签对外工程承包和劳务合作合同业绩良好。 There’s an emerging trend for Shanghai-based enterprises to engage in overseas acquisitions and take up shares in overseas-based companies. The newly signed contracts by the city’s overseas economic cooperation companies of international construction contracting and labor service performed well.
(专利权)独占许可=Exclusive license 普通许可=Simple license 相互许可=cross license
外经企业overseas operating enterprises; transnational corporations; enterprises operating overseas
提前报关、实货放行 Customs declaration is submitted and completed prior to the arrival of imported cargoes, upon which they can be picked up immediately. 自2001年11月1日起在上海地区对进口货物实施"提前报检、提前报关、实货放行"的通关新模式:舱单提前传输,把单证处理时间前移至运输工具抵港前完成,货物到港即可提取。大大缩短了进口货物在口岸的滞留时间。
跨关区“快速通关”项目 Speedy customs clearance for transcustoms-boundary transportation of cargoes 中文释义:一是以口岸快速通过、内地快速验放为突破口,实现通关作业一次申报、一次查验、一次放行的新模式。进口货物作业方式,实行进口转关货物的收货人或代理人向内地海关办理"提前报关"手续,口岸海关凭内地海关传输的提前报关电子数据直接办理口岸转关手续。同时,也可采取"直接转关"的办法,即进口转关货物的收货人或代理人直接在口岸办理转关手续,内地海关凭口岸海关传输的转关数据办理货物的进口手续;对出口货物的转关,出口货物发货人向内地海关报关时,以订舱的,发货人在启运地海关办妥出口报关手续后,可直接在口岸海关办理货物的出境和结关手续。对尚未订舱的出口货物,发货人可在转关货物运抵口岸后补录入出口转关数据,再在口岸海关办理出口货物的结关和核销手续。该办法由海关总署制定。
保税区内企业“空运直通式”通关 Airfreight cargoes are transported to the Bonded Area upon arrival at the airport, followed by “one-stop” customs services completed within the Bonded Area. 指保税区内的空运货物在飞机抵港后,由指定货代和专用监管车辆直接进入机场地面代理提取货物直送保税区指定仓库,区内企业只要收到区内直通式监管仓库发出的到货通知,即可向海关办理报关手续,并直接去区内监管仓库办理"检验检疫"和提货手续的通关方式。本质上是机场监管仓库的功能被延伸至保税区内,检验检疫职能同时移入保税区,企业报关、报检、提货在区内实现了"一站式"作业。
加工贸易联网监视模式 Network monitoring on processing trade
Another climatic characteristic is cold winter with large daily temperature difference, favoring thermal inversion especially in clear and windless days. In such time both the strength and thickness of thermal inversion are tremendously increased so that the whole city is like to be covered by a huge blanket keeping the air pollutant form dispersal. The locally trapped air pollutants of high concentration often break the upper limits of Grade II or even III of National Air Quality Standard.
XXX会议/活动/展览盛况空前 is in unprecedented prosperity
“清真餐厅”是不是 Muslim Restaurant pp: Muslim是指信仰Islam教的信徒。形容饭店或膳食,一般用“Muslim”,而不是“Islamic”。
排行榜top list
在高起点上...... 比如,在高起点上求发展,在高起点上攀高峰...... based on high requirement
整体收购overall acquisition
拉关系establish underhanded connection
走后门have underhanded dealings
组织力量攻关pool human and financial resources to tackle the crucial problems
全市现有连锁商业业态69种,业态种类保持全国领先 With 69 types of retail commerce, the city is a national leader in the varieties of retail commerce.
商业网点commercial outlets
买期、卖期保值合计 sum of hedge sold and bought 按单边计算 in terms of unilateral calculation
成功推介了多个集合资金信托计划 It successfully launched a number of collective trust investment programs.
By issuing new shares, offering, additional offering and issuing convertible debt, ten Shanghai-based companies raised RMB 7.767 billion in 2003, claiming 11.26% of the total amount raised in Shanghai securities market and 10% in the national market. (Listed companies in Shanghai raised RMB 7.011 billion in 2002, claiming 9.4% in the national market.)
部分证券公司因违规经营被撤销或停业整顿。 A number of securities companies were closed or temporary closed for reorganizing because of irregular operations.
配股 >> allotment of shares; 增發新股 >> issuing additional new common shares a government security-clearance card:政府安全合格证(通过安全部门甄别)
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